This originally was intended to be a remake of my school (banks and the indoor bit) but it ended up looking more of a ghetto housing district. There's alot to be done but if some people helped out I think it'd have potential.

Picture one: Stairs leading to what would most likely be a carpark with the usual stuff; manny pads etc. Also has banks - based off the front of my school^^

Picture two: The stairs from the last picture showing the run up. Generic line spot.

Picture 3: Main front area. Stairs/shows the indoor section. Can't think of anything to put in the outside though :/

Picture 4: Shows the indoor section/ledge, with the props/stairs. based off my school also.

Picture 5: Stairs, close up with a door at the top. I want to add something to this though, I was thinking the door being in the middle of a large quarter or smth.

so yeah, any comments criticism etc just tell me! (: