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Thread: My Roskilde experience

  1. #1
    Awful Awfuls! Tubilakken's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default My Roskilde experience

    Roskilde festival facts:

    - Roskilde festival is Denmarks biggest festival, some say it's the biggest in Scandinavia but I'm not sure of that.
    - It holds 75.000 guests
    - there is a naked run that people sign up for many months in advance '
    - It lasts a week
    - This year was the hottest one in 33 years ( last time I went was it the wettest ever)

    I came for the music, stayed for the warmup.
    The warmup is the first 4 days with no music, just pure camping and drinking.
    Every day someone would drive into town and buy 10 cases of beer and 5 bottles of vodka and some juice. all that for 11 people... all that ends in 4 days of heavily drinking with friends and other camps.. it's a blast .... but I really came for the music.. so then Thursday came was I happy as a mother******

    Kanye west: first words he says is " Hello Copenhagen" nice one there Kanye we are in Roskilde at least an hour away from Copenhagen. Not a great start... the rest sucked as well ...He only played his new songs... which suck compared to Jesus walks etc. SO I left after half an hour to see my fav. danish band Mew

    Mew makes dreamy pop rock music. and basically got through 10 grade, so I was exited to say the least.... AND they fluckin delivered .. it was beautiful.. I was the perfect amount of drunk and high.. and then they played there last song ( one of my top 10 songs of all time ) I thought my life couldn't get any better
    ( last song listing to the whole thing. the last 5 min is perfect music to my ears )

    Trentemoller ( Trentemøller ) :
    Trentemoller is the biggest club name to come out of Denmark, he plays at fashion shows all over the world .. and I fluckin love his music .
    Check: and :
    plus the best remix ever made :
    anyway he played in front of ca. 40.000 people, for over 2 hours.. every dance the night away ... I was in heaven

    Oasis: what can I say.. the lead singer is weird.. they where boring ... I'm not a fan

    Nine Inch Nails :
    This years surprise.. I didn't know much about NIN, but I had heard good this. so I stayed.. and boy I'm a happy for that .. they are awesome, I'm now a fan ! the end

    you're still reading ? this ?

    Lil Wayne cancelled and Gogol Bordello came instead .. one word for this .. WOW .. they know how to get a crowd going ..

    I'm not a fan .. but come in a chance to see this in person
    they did it and it was actually a great concert.. I'm still not a fan.. but I enjoyed it

    Pet Shop Boys:
    I saw about 30 min of this... real good, but kind of the same .. so we bailed

    Sunday: the last day of music

    M. Ward:
    damn he plays his guitar well .. and he played all the songs I wanted to hear . I was unbelievably happy... I'll never forget his show

    Our house in the middle of shit .. man they are misplaced and just bad all over live ... I just couldn't get into it

    I was all the way up in the front.. I could have spitted in Chris Martins face if I wanted to.. I didn't .. they are really really amazing live

    I'm tired of writing now .

    Roskilde Festival is defiantly an amazing adventure of music, drugs, drinking and making friends you'll only see at next years festival ... I just love it

    I just felt like writing this...
    I got like 3 of his parts on my phone right now that I watch on a regular basis before playing for inspiration. - TheBullet

  2. #2

  3. #3


    i used to be a huge fan of slipknot i almost went on tour with them this summer... but they didnt come to my side of the states....but man i would still want to see joeys crazy ass drumming....

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Awful Awfuls! K05T0N's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Buffalo, New York


    any pics from that nude run?

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