The Box, TF
Is it weird that I've never made an indoor park with wooden ramps? Well either way, I think that this one turned out pretty great. I usually don't skate my parks for very long after I've finished them because I spend so much time skating them during the whole building process. Oddly enough I've actually skated this a lot and I've had it finished for about a week now. I guess this could be considered my TF; after all it is a box, with boxes inside boxes and boxes wearing boxers while standing next to boxers.......I like boxes. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this park as much as my last. Thanks again for all the good feedback and feel free to give me some more on this park too.
Peace, Smurfs


The ledges all around the park are ungrindable but only for board slides and lip slides.
Noseslides, tailslides and all other grinds work well and are very smooth.

The fence makes a cool sound when you land on it.

The deck kind of got in the way in this shot. So don't worry, the quarters aren't that steep.