Hey guys.

So i have wanted to do a guide for a while, i know im by far not the best in the business, but i like to think i know my way around the park creator as well as the next guy.

In this guide i hopfuly will give new and old park builders a better understanding of CAP and in turn i hope to see A wide range of parks from new and up and coming park builders.

To start i wanted to find out how much tarrain there was per lot. Annoyingly i couldnt find this out on line soo i had to do it in game :/ I was suprised to find out that all the lots had the same amout of tarrain (625 standard pads) They also all go yellow at 469 SP and red at 562

One of the first things you should think about when starting a park is to think about what the park is going to be, this will help you choose the lot. I shall come back to this point.

before starting a park i would recommend using the "merge glitch" (founded by Rellz, made awere by fully)

Click on the links below if you dont already know how to do the glitch.





Back to picking A "lot"

as we al know there are 7 different lots they are, Zen Plaza, Downtown Night, PCU, Team HQ, Downtown Day, Stadium and Back lot. They all have good and bad features, which i shall go though in turn.

Zen Plaza - The Zen Plaza has good lighting and in my opinion a nice-ish back drop. It also has a bunch of nice stair sets and manny pads built in which if used well could looks good and save abit of tarrain. The main reason it is hardly used is due to the shape, it can be awkward at times. i would recommend using this lot for high end schools, business districts or a pirvate graden, walkway place.

Downtown Night - Now i have to be honest i really dont like building in this place due the hight you can go whilst in the editor. however it does have its good side, this place looks stunning once the park is complete, so if you can stick at it, its well worth it. I would use this lot for a plaza of some sort or maby apartments.

PCU - This lot is used realy now days but I still think its a little gem. Though not great for normal indoor park this would be great a small grunge wherehouse, the eco is almost perfect for this. A down side to this lot though is the lighting is just off it feels to light when you have a park with a roof on it.

Team HQ - The team HQ is my choice of lot for indoor parks. The reason for this is down to the lighting. there are meny ways you can use this place, you can have the brown metal layer either a floor of roof making,which not only looks good if down well but also saves tarrain. Saying this there are a cupple of down sides to this lot, first is the brown layer, if you dont intend to use it, it can become a problem and may limit your space, The other down side to this park is the other brown metal layer, this creates an ugly shadow which you cant get rid of, however you could use this to your advantage if thought about. I would use this lot for indoor parks.

Downtown Day - This is my favorite lot, in my opinon its perfect the lighting is almost spot on, maby on the bright side, the space can be tad limiting and the back drop isnt to great but its simple and great for anyone building a park. i have built a few parks here and my only big concern is the back drop but you can normaly hide most of it if you try. i would recommend using this lot for... most thing indoors, plaza's, city's its the safe bet.

Stadium - I must confess i have never built a park here, but from the parks i have skated here its seems to be a good place to build large indoor parks or wherehouse's. The lighting is fair but the eco is over done a bit. The space given is very generous. like i said i would use this lot for large skateparks or Wherehouse.

Backlot - the back lot is a very controversial some people love it, some people hate it, (Its like Marmite) I really like this lot because its back drop is low, there for you can see it if you build the park the right hight, and the size of the lot, it gives you the freedom to build were you need to build. The lighting i my pet hate in this lot it either works really well and give the park a kinda Skate 2 vibe or it makes the park to dark to skate. I would use this park anything other than indoors.

Earthquakes - An Earthquake is when pad start to move ramdomly, now this really pisses me off when this happens, but there is a way to stop. Its fairly easy, just annoying all you need to do is delete the piece's that have earthquaked.

Freezing - This is another glitch EA have not botherd to fix, luckily there is a simple solution, fill the prop bar up to full.

for more tips click the link below


I hope this has help and not bored you all to sleep haha
