So I've been trying to think about what to do with a website for a while now
and I may finally Have a decent idea.. What about a Positive Gaming Community?

I still want to do a shop for Gaming T-Shirts, Maybe even still share music on there but it would be minimal compared to the gaming portion of the site.

I was just thinking on things.. There's alot of grey area, and I may need some help/suggestions.

It would be work getting this thing active, and a ton of things I want to add to the forums.

I know this may seem Ironic with recent happenings, but that's just how I see skateboarding.

The community will highlight just about everything in gaming.

I want a nice sleek look and I plan to actively moderate everything, but everything will be user-submitted content.

I'm thinking I'll have official videos for the site which I produce and share with everyone but other than that, a place to share everyone's gaming.

By no means a place to upload, but a place to link-in, hook-up and find other positive gamers to better your gaming experience.

Let's face it, we get online in just about any competitive game and there's the guys yelling at the top of their lungs, rather than communicating what's happening to better their situation.

Like I said, brainstorming here.. What do you guys think?
I Plan to develop through this.. succeed or fail, but I thought I'd ask for some input
and see if anyone would want to be apart of this thing.
Open for discussion.. let me know what you would like to see in a gaming community
if you wouldn't mind.