First up let me announce this park is not all of my creation, the orginal layout was made by ChasmJ(PS3) and I belive Taxableapples (sp?) did the Xbox version, I didn't ask for permission to edit chasmJ's park, hopefully he doesn't mind that I have, If he does then I will remove it.

The orginal version was made quite some time ago, before any DLC I belive, could be wrong on that tho. It was a pretty solid layout quite close to how it is in RL, not perfect but close enough, but the textures used were starting to look abit dated and I felt like trying to bring some fresh life back into the iconic spot.

I pretty much kept the same layout chasmJ had build, just tweaking a few things here and there, but mostly trying to update the textures used add abit of colour here and there and generally make the place feel abit more authentic and natural.
Hopefully my "LOVE" sign isn't laughed at too much lol, it is abit tacky looking but I felt it needed to be included.
The enclosure for it isn't the greatest of detail, (blank walls) but due to the size of the place there was no chance in closing it up with custon buildings, I added as much trees as possible behind the walls to try and draw your eye away from them being blank but I didn't have enough terrain meter to add as many as needed.
Some of the longer ledges do have an overlap due to being merged to custom lengths, I tryed to make them as smooth as possible but as im sure you all no know matter how smooth it looks it will give a little bump or slow you down sometimes, it's nothing game braking, just a little nuisence at times.

Hopefully any Philly locals on here don't consider this sacrilege and feel it does it some justice. I might get abit of hate for adding in the pink/red benches but the place needed some colour lol.

I could go on much more describing the park but I've got no idea if these little descriptions ever get read and a picture says a thousand words... so onto the pics!


Book it!