So last night me and about 10 other of my old skater friends came together in my shop and projected it onto a makeshift screen about 8' wide. We were all going to go to the premiere here in St. Louis at a local smaller theater but it was $13 and we couldn't drink and whatnot. One guy had a projector one guy bought the movie and I had the space.

It was great, I think its a must watch for anyone interested in arguably the most influential group of guys in skateboarding.
Watching it really brought in my perspective and time which me and my friends came into the scene. It was obviously the old parks closing moving things to the backyard ramp age. Still my favorite form of skating, no competition, be who you are, encouraging, family group environment.
It also proved to me that my feelings that DP and Lance Mountain have always been my 2 favorite skaters. So very different but both so rad in their own way.
Not sure why Ben Harper and Fred Durst were in it, would of much rather seen them replaced with Neil Blender or Natas or Ray Barby or a slew of other dudes but whatever. I didn't really want it to end. It is sooo good

seen it? what do you think?