OK So I've done some decision making
I was going to do a seperate channel for Gaming Videos
but I think it would be a better Idea to build up my Persona (Gamertag)

If I want to approach some kind of gaming network in the future
I think it would be much easier if I'm repping my name rather than
a channel that sounds like a network itself.. For Gaming By Gaming?
Sounds cool.. but I'd rather just use my gamertag, as most commentators already do.

I've wiped ANTWANthePAWN clean of any copyright material and I apologize to those that are subscribed for specific things..
You can always un-subscribe, I'd rather have less subscribers than Ill-Obtained ones.
I have plans to make new channels down the line.. One for Music, another for other Non-Profit stuff.

For ANTWANthePAWN I plan to play whatever I feel like playing, With Commentary.. but it will mainly be Call of Duty.
Just Refining My Approach a bit, Trying to get a crisper mic sound.. So you know.
If My Subscribers Still Support My Channel, Awesome. If not, No sweat.

With that out of the way Here is my first Advanced Skate 3 Tutorial, First Person Cam.
Feedback Appreciated, Suggestions Welcome and Hope this helps Some of You.
Let me know how the audio levels sound to you guys.. I'm editing with Headphones, sounded good to me.
