Welcome to the Brishwoods DIY park.

The Brishwoods DIY is a park made about a mile out of Hilow, at first by local shops, then the locals added to it.
The shop owners that created this place found an open spot, and started pouring concrete everywhere.
Locals eventually heard about the park and came to check it out, and started to help. It eventually kept on making progress and when it was finished, it became a major attraction for locals and skaters all around.
The park has been up for 13 years now and is now officially a city skatepark.

Overview 1

Overview 2

Crailtap on the wall.

These quarter pipes were the starting point for the park.

A skinny ledge where lips or boardslides actually go over the far end.

The wall setup.

BS Nose on the Hubba.

Nosebone off the high wall.

One Foot on the extension I suppose.

Back Crook on the barrier.

Melon Grab on the brick QP.

Well I hope you guys enjoy this park. It's been in production since July or something. It's not the cleanest looking place but I think there is enough things to skate to overlook that.