Quote Originally Posted by EmmitBrown View Post
if modding became commonplace, how would you know if people were actually doing tricks in their videos? i know modding doesnt mean people will be fraudulently doing tricks more easily, it IS a concern of mine. i dont want there to be an "i don't know" area...as in i dont know if he actually did that trick or programmed it in....would you play tiger against people that were modding? Skate. is a community and i dont want imposters
again, if someone wants to pretend to be good at the game, I dont give a shit. Let them be fake fucks so their e-penis and get erect. It doesn't effect me, or how I play the game and how I make videos.

Your not even considering all the amazing things mods would bring to the game. How much better people could make CAPs. Way to focused on one little thing that would come from it. Whole new models for clothing. People could add more pros. Complete new areas of city, not just cap. There are tons of these for fallout

Mabye I can show you some mods that completely changes the game of fallout for me.

this adds around 70 new monsters - http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42136
this adds 63 new guns - http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/37002
this adds 114 new locations - http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/38719

I could go on.

Furthermore, if it was on PC, do uploading to the ea server. then downloading to your PC. you could generate the footage right to your harddrive. This would cut the filming process time in half. And we would never have to worry of the servers dying

So a few retards will cheat. Laa Dee Frickin Daw.