Quote Originally Posted by G Ryin View Post
and i've been avoiding buying a vaporizer for year... well... not avoiding

i've just never been at a head shop with enough disposable income to justify buying it.

but i think if i'm gonna be a lifer, i might as well make the investment, if for anything else, my health. (and the fact that its the most potent way of getting THC into your system. something like 96% makes it into your system; 2nd best was bong at 67%)

sorry for the 2x post

not sure where you read those figures...but i dont think they're entirely accurate....

according to the research papers ive read on it, the thc intake benefit is slightly higher than smoking....the primary reasons for using them are little to no smoke (when used properly) and the fact that not as much ""drifts away" so to speak...

if i ever go back to tweeds though, it'll be with a vapo

probably homemade though..(no not cheapo homemade, my roommate is a mechanical engineer working on his doctorate....think better than Volcano quality, and built for around $100 tops)