I've lost some friends over the years as i'm sure all of you have. But, as another one of my good friends move away next week, i began thinking about how one person impacts everything we do so much. Just think about how that one day you all hung out gave you a new inside joke, a new thing to talk about for the rest of the year, a new idea for your car, a new way of thinking, a new level of friendship. I think i sat down for about an hour thinking about how much just him, let alone all the others i have or have lost, have impacted my life. They have all changed me in some way, and i am one hundred percent positive that i would not be the same if i had never met some of them. It seems like who you hang out with shapes your live for either your whole life or from high school through college. I mean, if my neighbor never gave me a skateboard i would never be skating, if my uncle never gave me the original gameboy when i was 3 or 4, i would never be gaming, if my best friend never showed me the game skate. i wouldn't be here, and if my other best friend never over dosed, i would probably have done the same now. It seems like they determine the very decisions in which we make every day. I mean, if i had never met my friend Rico, i wouldn't be making this thread. I wouldn't have ever thought about this on the level which i have now.

That is all, sorry if it makes no sense my mind is on a million different things right now