I know this is an OLD ass thread, but I'm digging this grave up for a minute because I think it should be discussed.

Snail, I agree with you 100%. One of the main reasons I disbanded Pharmacy was because I was sick of being confined to an already pre-determined thing...as well as a lack of free time.
Before I went AWOL...I did notice a huge up-rise in random little 'teams' that were completely jacking real life teams. I think it's totally unimaginative and lame. While I do agree Pharmacy was a great team and am proud I started it...and I did have a lot of fun while it lasted, It was very boring of me to just copy an already existent team.

If I do anything else team-wise in the community it was be completely original and it'll really be MY idea. Anyways, I'm just bored and throwing my 2 cents out there.