Quote Originally Posted by EmmitBrown View Post
thanks guys

@saunders i don't play portables so I'd rather have the little more power in the console version over the ability to use it on the go (i don't have great eyesight and focusing on the small screens is stressful on the eye). i wouldn't be able to stream from anything local as i don't have an nVidia card but, depending how much the subscription is the GRID system they have might be cool.

@luft. i meant no new games. the pc games i play are all older. kotor era. im gonna read up on the pi. i really want to make sure whatever i get can use my Tankstick and also has enough ram to not have issues with ps1 and 3do games
Yea the newer models of the Raspberry Pi supposedly run the PS1 stuff great, but I don't own one myself so I can't confirm personally. But I definitely recommend doing some research on it, if it can run everything you wanna play, it'll save you tons