Me and a buddy have been toying with an idea, and just though I would ask to see if anyone has any thoughts... or if they would give us a watch...

Long story short, I own my own tyre business, and on Sundays, we usually clear the floor, get out our ramps, blocks and ledges and skate, make music, DJ... pretty much whatever the hell we want.

So the plan is to try out streaming our shenanigans on Twitch to see if anyone would enjoy tuning in... We all suck, but its fun none-the-less. First session will be quite simple, gonna open the stream with light skating on the ledges and stuff whilst building up the flat-pack quarter-pipe. Hopefully if he is available we will then be able to have a DJ with his decks take over the music, and the rest of us can skate, chat with viewers and generally have a good time.

So, any of you like this idea? Would you consider viewing if we can make it all happen.

(side note: if anyone here is experienced with Twitch setups, would you be interested in having a chat with us. Not 100% sure on how we can have music go direct to Twitch, aswell as to us in the building, without the mic's for chat getting all delayed and muddy with the background noise... I think I know how to setup multiple camera's, but havnt tried yet.)