Here's a convo by me...

You: im breaking up with you if you dont talk
Stranger: hi
You: everyone just keeps leaving me and breaking my heart
You: they dont even talk... they just leave me
Stranger: from
You: why do you even care?? your just going to leave me like the rest of them
You: ur hurting me on the inside right now
Stranger: sorry
You: sorry doesn't cut it... the last guy said sorry and then pooped on my friends chest
You: and got away with it
Stranger: pcture
You: pictures wont cheer me up buddy... your the only fish in the sea that was made for me
Stranger: are you a boy?
You: wow... so close minded? I cant believe gender matters these days...
You: What if I were to say I was a camel?
Stranger: um..
You: wat would u do.... if I said.... I was....A Camel
You: wat would u do kind sir?
Stranger: i'm girl
You: Im a camel
Stranger: what is camel?????
You: A lonely camel in a lonely word.... I took the midnight train going anywhere
You: A camel is a desert creature that has a huge hump on his back... speaking of hump...
You: i want to hump you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.