so good, might be my favorite oats yet...well vol. 4 might still be my favorite, but this will be my official second favorite...

SG, mighta been my favorite part of you so far, your approach to the game is 100% original and nobody else could pull it off like you, for that I salute you (and I think you're a cool dude on top of that). Your stuff on the old town bank was my favorite.

Tubs, holy shit, short but mindblowingly sweet, every trick EVERY TRICK was ender worthy in my opinion. You've always been one of my favorites, and this part definitely cemented that in. Second favorite part from you yet (your part solo with M. Ward song will always be my #1)

Pawn, you talked big game on this part for a while, so i had some pretty high hopes, and yes, it was pretty bangin. You come across like an over confident motherfucker, and I'm pretty sure you don't like my vids so you probably could give two shits about what i have to say, but dammit man, stop doing lazy shuv's out of 70% of your tricks, at least do like a FRONT shuv out once in a while. Sorry, I musta woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or something, cause normally i keep those thoughts to myself. Your part was crazy, you definitely stepped up your game.