It's what people call me in-game and in real life..
it's a nickname.

Trapped in a world based on entertainment, you're a pawn and this is chess.

I love skateboarding always have.. fascinates mentally and exhausts physically.
I'm not about being the best and hate to see people so aggressively competitive
because it can lead to violence, which is completely unneeded.
I think the world needs to grow up before it blows up.. I say that because we
can't come to terms with anything.. "we" meaning our government, which we(the people) have no voice or control over.. wars that are fought daily.. violence.
The same kind of metal used to make a gun can be used to make a skateboard truck yet they put on two COMPLETELY different shows.
No one stops to think anymore.. Were trapped, In a world based on entertainment.. I think people have lost the ability to think for themselves, they use what they are taught and believe in it so blindly that they are no longer learning.. and sorry if this is too in depth but it's what I do,
I stopped to think just now.

umm I'm antwan nice to meet you? haha