<3 54

movie intro was great. and showed your awesome cap skills

head - great vibe (song) for opener. what's the cap @3:07 (and a couple other times)? faves were the nollie fitty on the high rail, fuckin noseblunt nosebonk! the crazy no comply 180 tailtap thing, lol moonwalk, and the ender

i was actually kinda hoping for an "artsy" demzilla part, but i guess murder at mach 3 is ok lol. gross landings and death cams aside, i did enjoy the part thoroughly walle footplant, fuck ya life tre gap, tre nose in the pool, switch lip tap, kf nose the steep rail, all the shit on the barrier at the end was dope, but the banger was electrodope

kinda surprised by anders at first, didn't remember you being that clean, perfect catches n shit. switch tre crooks, back feeble 3shuv, 5-0 fs into bank, salad bigflip, kf overcrook, 180 fakie 5-0 double flip, ender was HUUUGE and i love it

south, i don't know how you put that much tech into lines?! almost every trick is worth mentioning. tre back nose, wallie tail 270 flip out, fuckin hurry nosemanny heel, fuckin hurry sex change, shuv feeble to hurry, fuckin tail fakie manny fakie blunt, wallie tail fakie 5-0 fakie manny shuv, banger was sick

anchs, long lens master, pushing what's possible in this game, love it. thank you for doing the opening gap, now i can stop trying, nollie tailwalk, fuckin blunt kf into bank, ollie under busstop, sw grab was the best looking grab down a set ever, sw tail to lip on the curved rail, back smith the steep rail, loved the static cam on the banger

<3 54