Quote Originally Posted by thebullet View Post
lines= 15-16. I try to get as close and low as possible while keeping the whole guy in frame. A lot of times, when the line starts with a gap or handrail or something I start at the bottom or middle of the stairs with my camera zoomed in to about 100 and then zoom out to 15 for when he lands, only cause I don't like doing the owl cam thing over stairs/gaps. I don't mind it when other people do it, but I just don't like doing it myself. I do the same thing in reverse when the line ends with a gap/rail

long= 230-500 I used to try and do what demz did and move the camera around to keep my guy always in frame and have depth and all that, but lately i haven't been trying that as much, and kinda like it when you just see from the knees down. I have always felt that long lens has been my biggest weakness and still haven't really figured out any formula that I'm 100% happy with.

I do agree with Demz that Anchors wins when it comes to long lens. I still don't know how he makes everything look so good.
SO ALL YALL NIGGAS SAYIN I FILM LIKE BULLET, fuck yall, i hella owl cam that shit up.

Quote Originally Posted by Skatehead View Post
yeah u do jerkoffassfaceshark..
love u.
llove you 2 <3

i also started filming in 360, aka 1mm it's hecka amazing