Oh shit, let me get my comment in real quick before this shit drops off the face of the earth (page 1).

First off, Nelson, your avatar has been grossing me out for some time now. Porn's okay, but that couple looks like they're making love and that's just gross.

Now, since that's been handled.

Supafly, I was worried that I'd seen all of your good stuff in S3 since you've been in so many collabs and all that. You proved me entirely wrong. So much amazing footage. That line at NY Maloof was rad, I'd never even thought to skate that stuff. Other standout was the suburbs grind/bonk business. 2nd to last trick at the art gallery was crazy as fuck. Your tricks are so good and so tech that they're too long to even type out.

DRFA, that song worked perfectly with your skating. You have such a unique part full of really cool stuff that no one could duplicate. Your filming is siiiiiick. That line in front of the hotel with the nosebone over the rail and the switch bs heel lateflip was my personal fave. Street ollie to grind to 180 to quick ass fakie big heel up the curb. That ruled. I'm incredibly fucking jealous of your second to last trick at the parkade. Wish I would've thought of that. Ender was the best trick done at the spot, ever.

Heshfield, another good song. Perfect filming. You are the most precise filmer, I wish I could film lines like you do. KF FS tailslide in the pool was as perfect as it could be. FS Blunt FS Flip out at Memorial was A+. Switch 5-0 180 to crooked grind? God damn. Line at the Sanitorium was insane. Ender was one of a kind, in the best way possible. Filming was perfect. You're underrated man, you fucking kill it.

Lurk, your part was fucking rad and too short. That line that starts with the fs blunt over the rail was awesome. Wallie to manual at DIY, fuck yeah. Both lipslides at Rosalita. Barrier to barrier FS Flip. Ghetto spot nose stall thing. I don't know what that was, but it looked cool. I know you get a lot of heat for your cams but I think they're awesome. They fit your style of skating, it wouldn't make sense to see it any other way. I don't even know how you did that ender. I can't even think about moving my fingers that fast.

Friends. Good job friends. You all had good clips, get your own fucking video and I'll comment on it.

Knex, jesus christ. Your S2 stuff was good, but ever since S3 came out you are seriously top 3 in this game and that's being conservative. Every single trick was good. That half cab tucknee, was aaaaamaaaazzzing. The line after that too. Ungrindable line... I don't know what to say about that. It's too good for words. Ender? Best trick that will ever be done at that spot. It's dead now. Good going Knex, you killed a wall.

Me, thanks for putting up with me jumping off of roofs and other ridiculous ass shit I do. You guys rule.

Robley, Seriously great editing and titles on this. It was well worth the wait, everything was top notch. You're too good at this stuff. One day when you're rich and famous this will be the embarrassing little fact about your career, you know? Like, how Tom Hanks used to be Rick Moranis. True story. Also, your part was amazing. I wish you put out as much stuff as you did in S2, but it makes it that much better when there's some rare Robley footage out. That extra touch of style on everything makes any trick you do look fantastic. Killed the red rails. That shit's dead now too. Ender was so so so sick.

Bullet, The dude that everyone copies for a reason. Every trick in this part could be the ender of anyone else's videos. Song selection was really good and fit perfectly. Your cams are copied for a reason, they're perfect. I can't write that much about your part because every trick was something I couldn't do if you gave me a week. Your ender hurts my head to think about. That's like every impossible trick that I've never done smashed into one trick.

I'm so glad I'm on such a great team. You guys rule. I felt like such a nerd for being so stoked on this video.