As most of you (PS3 owners at least) know, LittleBigPlanet had a beta and will be released on the 21st this month. Below is a video of a level I began creating in the beta, but was unable to totally finish because the beta ended and I ran out of time. I don't have a capture card, so MagicNarcosis generously took the time to play through the level while capturing it, and upload it to youtube for me. Check out the video, and then read the bottom of this for some extra notes:

As you can see, the level is at least functional. I would have taken more time to pretty it up and there were at least 2 more ideas I wanted to add on to the end, but couldn't due to timing.

The mega ramp trick. If you hold on to the skateboard where the arrow points, you will land a forward flip over 90% of the time. It's pretty sick to get right, and it took a ton of time to get the thrusters to the proper strength and area lol. BUT, if you're super good at the game (and a little lucky), you can actually jump at the right time so that the board will flip under you, just like real life... it's quite hard though.

Yes those are pictures of Cuz and Scott in the game, which I took from the EA site, as well as Magic's GvR pictures on Fluckit haha. There is also Danny Way (I'm sure you can guess which guy he is) and then the last new guy at the San Van Mountains is me, though the video is a little too dark to tell.. If you buy the game when it comes out you can see it better... it's me yelling so it looks kind of funny.

Lastly I suppose is the hippy jumps. Cuz Magic accidently missed Cuz's second text bubble. It said something along the lines of "This time I'm going to make it more challenging though. You best time your jumps perfect!" because the "rails" are electrified, and touching them = death. Magic only got over the first one though lol.

Anyway, hope you guys like it. I'll probably flesh it out some more once the full game comes out IF it's possible to go back and edit stuff from the beta. If not, I'll just create a new level that's more complicated lol.