Been MIA for the last few months. Real life shit taking up too much time, you know? I'm hoping to be around a bit more. I miss you crazy fluckers.

Got a new solo finished. Youtube's converters messed up the first 3-5 seconds - it's all washed out, but I couldn't be bothered to upload again just to fix it. I skated a lot of the new DLC in this one. Just sooooo much good stuff to skate. I was kinda sick of a lot of the levels/areas and wasn't playing much until the Art Gallery DLC dropped. Totally got me back into the game...

Comments always appreciated. Let me know what you hate or what you love!

Also, let me know if you've got something new I should watch! Need to get caught up on things I missed! (cough Megamyth cough holyfuckingood cough)