This past weekend in Orange County the Maloof Brothers (owners of The Palms Casino in Las Vegas) put on a Skate Contest the likes of which had never been seen. Nearly Half a million dollars was up for grabs total, with 100,000 of it going to first prize in the street comp.

The street course was designed by Andrew Reynolds and the contest set up as heats (similar to the way the X Games has been the last couple years). Contestants were invite only and included some of the Top Ams and Pro's today.

I won't spoil who the overall winner was, though the internet is rampant with the news already. All I can say was this was the most amazing contest I've ever seen and a lot of "firsts" went down...especially on the 16 stair (w/ handrail).

An edited for television version should be airing on the 20th on CBS. Specifics are available @