Quote Originally Posted by Slamooh View Post
Thats what conspiracists say. Geopolitics is complex stuff... and bad things happen all the time. Thats the way it is. but come on .... we re talking about the US government killing 4000 US citizens to go to war.... dude... US went to war numerous time over the last century (this is just how USA work...) ... if a government wants to go to war... US go to war... no need for such a hoax...

as signguy said
If 9/11 was really a hoax... it would be obvious...
the obvious thing for me is that its way too big to be a hoax...
This, too.

Besides, the war this lead us into had nothing to do with the parties responsible for this specific act (Iraq =/= Afghanistan). Our government will do as it pleases, I doubt it would have any need to elminate 4000 taxpayers (most of whom had a lot of income to be taxed in this case) to go to war with anyone. I actually just tore into a buddy of mine last night for going off on some conspiracy rant about all this shit. HE'S an idiot, so the way he approached it was worthy of being called stupid... But again, it happened 10 years ago, no one has any REAL proof of anything, and even if they did at this point it wouldn't change a thing. With the American populations' being 2/3's tarded (face it, at least 66% of us are too ignorant to be worth the space we take up) our government obviously has to do some things behind closed doors... But I'm pretty sure those things are logically thought out and make some sort of reasonable sense... Unlike all the theories I've ever been presented about 9/11.