
that bandwagon comment...

as i see it..
the guys here that dont post normal standard type skate films arent dicks and calling moderators trolls.....

dude like yourself that dont consider themselfs part of the "bandwagon" still post, get comments, and enjoy there time here...
without aggression or hate or name calling...

yourself and others seem to understand that regardless of the style or gameplay type they choose you all still abide by what we as moderators and administrators ask of the community..

all we ask is for a decent attitude...
and if its negative it gets deleted...

(we all know why)

because we all simply just want to enjoy the game and a place to discuss it on the internet...

we just want to enjoy our time...

no disrespect...
an dim not using you as an example...
your comment just helped explain the diff between the new guys and old guys...

dont ever mention jerr bear...

fluckit likes jerr bear...
i banned him twice and he made a conscious decision to come back. relax, and enjoy himself on the web...
fluckit is very fortunate to have jerr bear around..
dude is sick and makes amazing work....