Here's why I've drawn the conclusion jerr
Let's look at our trick base back in OG and Skate 2
Would you say Wallies and popless tricks were less popular back then?
Actually it's not really a question.. our production value and number of members
has gone up significantly.. less realism because of less members
Which we had our realistic skaters and our fun oats whatever you want to call it skaters
and even then realism as defined by others is never the same..
I'm saying realism and OATS are different.. while OATS can be realistic I think it's more of a fun less confined version of fake skating
Realism as I've seen it in the community was slowly defined, first real stance
eventually popless, perfect lock and now it has expanded a little bit but overall
I hate to see creativity lost because of restriction I know people are more capable and I guess that upsets me
I can draw whatever conclusions I want and no one has to agree
But I've been around for a while, I'm just making sense of it..
Agree or not I think I've made my point and am done responding.