What's up fluckit, I've been backed up with shifts at work so I haven't had the time to fakeskate and build as much, plus I was in a creative rut with this one. This is "Stop and Go", It's a parking lot for a near by mall that get's alot of slow days. That being said skater's frequent it often for the ledges and all the nooks and crannies in it. Making friends with the Ex-Skateboarder turned security guard get's you nice long sessions with no problems. Anyways here's the over view. Shout out to fullyfl4red00 when I saw his curved walkway I started builiding this cap. I have to shout out Iseverheads as well pretty sure we though of the idea around the same time but I was using diff pieces his cap reminded me to use the bigger curves for wider driveways. Long story is over Pics now!

The roof has a couple of fun grind to manny transfer spots to hit.

3rd floor. (There's a bunch of different sized gaps where the cars are parked but by the time I got to posting this I saw that I forgot to get pictures of that side and EA nation is too annoying to upload again. -_-)

Second floor and the Last stretch to the ground floor, The second floor has lots of opportunity for lines and what have you

The ground floor is the spot for anyone looking to get creative, There are many ways to skate the obstacles here.

You can skate right through the structure and just hit the ledges on the driveways or you can slow down and skate the little spots on each floor. I've found a bunch of natural gaps and so has everyone else thats seshed it out there's alot to do! Yes I know some of the ledges are a bit high for low poppers (thigh height) But in reality when you skate a parking lot guard ledge you have to pop really high, besides the speed bumps will give you an edge!

Download link!

Enjoy and give feedback. More to come!