Here's this week's CAP, Ohmidineffect's Stop and Go. Lots of original stuff in this. Try it out to see for yourself. Thanks a lot to c3se, Hypsies and Riverking for sending clips. It's uploaded a little earlier to redeem myself for being a little late on that last PCTV Monday lol It's longer than usual, because people thought the previous ones were too short. Anyways, enjoy!

Video info
Park made by Ohmidineffect: (no idea what his yt is)
Park link (for xbox 360): Stop and Go
Filmed/edited by: Boxerman08

Additional clips from C3se, Hypsies and Riverking.

If you wanna have your park featured, send me the link to the park you'd like to feature, and I'll take a look at it. If it looks and skates good, I'll feature it, simple as that. If you want, you can make the video yourself, showing parts of the CAP or all of it, with a few clips (in this one, I've used 5 clips with a couple overview clips). Submit your parks!