Quote Originally Posted by SK8ERatWAR View Post
I almost completely agree with ya sg.. except for the fact that I care more about dogs more than most humans :P

and jeremy, carpet instead of grip, that's fucking sick! where should I contact him? for how much did he do your board?
Lol that pic SG posted isn't him, it's Jay Adams or something like that if I'm not mistaken
and yes, carpet makes it so much more comfortable and enjoyable imo, just because it's a fuckin carpet hahaha but try contacting him on the C'est Beau / Shortboards Facebook page. I got mine for 75$ because everything is custom made on it, with detailed graphics and what not. You can get a tainted board for just 50$, but I wanted one completely custom plus, he put a sick carpet on it haha idk how much it will be for you and how you can arrange for payment and shit, but you can always give it a shot and ask. I'm sure he'll be stoked as fuck that people from France and Netherlands wanna buy his shit! haha