Ok, it hasnt been mentioned yet, so here it goes, the "Jesus Standpoint" We're all expressing opinions here, lets be mature.

War against Israel is inevitable, as described in the Bible. But also according to the Bible, Israel will stand, and so will the nations that support Israel. There are historical events and phenomena that support these things that were prophesied almost thousands of years ago:

Israel became its own nation in 1948, this was prophesied in the bible. (if you choose to accept the mathematics people have come up with, the bible even predicts the month and year)

Israel, an entire COUNTRY which is smaller than the STATE of New Jersey, surrounded by giant countries with huge military forces that have been trying to destroy it for years, still hangs on. This is prophesied also.

If Israel and Iran do go to war, the US will most likely get involved, if not to look good and be supportive on a global standpoint, but also because the Bible says that those who dont stand with Israel will fall. Past presidents havent outright stated that this is the reason for their support of Israel, but they have to at least appear to hold christian values, and the strong Fudamentalist Christian vote says that we support Israel for this reason.

There it is, my opinion and thoughts, with a little bit of backup sources. Please be gentle Fluckers