Grapevine mills skatepark

This is a remake of a park I grew up skating in my hometown of Dallas TX. I was originally just going to build this for me as the park is wayyyy to big to do any significant detailing, but It has honestly become one of my favorite parks so I figured I'd share it. Truth is though...In real life there is a huge 12' vert ramp and a L Bowl that wraps around the well as a viewing center for people that walk by and want to watch. I took that out as I wouldnt have near enough terrain to attempt any of those things. Anyways I hope everyone enjoys. Below are pics and link

overview of street section

another view

This is one of the three see-saw ledges in the park. I added them ha they weren't actually in my old park. They are my favorite part about the park! If your playing the park offline they swing back and forth when you jump on them...its dope...try it.

The mini...

bs smith on custom extension
