cool idea...

the way the game engine works with how fast tricks are performed and how tricks are linked via the animation system i dont think this is possible on our current gen of consoles.
every time you made a adjustment to your animation the engine would have to be able to accommodate right then and there and that would need a shit ton of resources from the engine and console alike.

animation notes..
the reason the games never looks like rob and big is because the links between the animations has to be smoothed in case you perform them during other out of a tailslide.
crouch............................................ .same all around
kick flip.............................................s pecific
catch animation / float animation........specific (the tweak animations we swap)
landing animation..............................specific
the game has to recognize these items and other shit when going from something to another.
the animation in rob and big was just pure capture.
so if you remember rob kickflipin up that curb imagine that same animation going down 10..
it would look fucking hilarious.

this idea is possible...
but its hurdle is an amazing custom engine to even be able to handle the work load.
and a console that could handle that work load.