Mage - Thanks, bro.

Bohemian - Maybe not better than all, but they sure have a bigger fanbase than any other rap group I know. Even my metalhead buddies get down with the Boys.

m7419 - Couldn't think of a better way to put it. As much as their new albums don't get played as much as the old ones used to, that little 10 year old inside of me used to get just as excited every time a new album dropped.

DuMularn - The Criminal Mega is a sick CAP, man. Big props to you and all the other CAP'rs out there. With your talent, and that of people like you, we'll never need a Skate 4.

exoskate89 - Pssst... Got a secret to let you in on... Skate 3 is a video game. If you don't dig my style, fair enough, but if you feel a need to throw out a critique feel free not to make it so played out and asinine. Never claimed reality to be a big part of my fakeskating. Thanks for the watch anyway.

agusbmxarg - Thank you, as well. And please, do your tribute. I have no issue if you wanna run with the idea. MCA deserves the love.