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  1. #1
    Meth Graphic Manager InsideManager's Avatar
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    Also I'm impressed this never flamed up and everybody discussed it gentlemanly and came to mutual understandings, Clay will be proud.

  2. #2
    FLuckin Mod MagicNarcosis's Avatar
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    The fucked up part is, the people who still didn't take it as serious as some of us did still had the balls to try and make their own original team..

    So when you come around the community full of original skaters, original teams and originality in general talking that fake real fake team shit, we don't fucks'witcha.

    It's like bringing a store bought Harley to a custom bike show.. You think we wanna accept that shit, around here?
    We tolerate it. That's it. and that isn't lasting long....
    Hoodlum Family All Rights Reserved ™ ® & Copyright © 2007-2012
    "dude i didn't go hard on this video thats what my welcome is gonna be" -RaginWarHero

  3. #3
    better than you i am a snail's Avatar
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    my take is that the naming things after other teams is really fucking dumb and if people are going to make their own original content with this game on these sites they shouldn't half-ass it with YA I REP X COMPANY IN A VIDEO GAME ARENT I COOL and then the team is just a bunch of new kids who don't really care about what they're doing and why, it's just a bunch of new kids who think they're something they're not. i blame pharmacy, pharmacy was the start of the whole thing, the only difference is that pharmacy was actually a pretty cool team of pretty cool guys that just happened to be named after the shop. i'm sick of seeing the 5BORO FUCKYEAH and OMIT FUCKYEAH and DMNDSUPPLY FUCKYEAH circlejerk that's happening everywhere in skate right now and it saddens me that newdudes can't even be original with their own team names.

    basically if you're going to start a team, don't force it and just let it happen, as opposed to naming it after an already established and respected IRL brand and expecting to be treated with the same kind of respect on a fucking internet message board full of old sweaty dudes. there's my 2 cents on that. and if someone calls you on bullshit, don't respond with more bullshit, even if the former was bullshit itself.

    i don't mean to offend anyone or spark any flamewars with this post but goddammit avoiding dumb kids table shit like this was pretty much the reason places like skatethis, cc, fluckit and lb existed. they were fountains of original content free from the bullshit of kid's tables. what happened to that?

  4. #4


    I know this is an OLD ass thread, but I'm digging this grave up for a minute because I think it should be discussed.

    Snail, I agree with you 100%. One of the main reasons I disbanded Pharmacy was because I was sick of being confined to an already pre-determined well as a lack of free time.
    Before I went AWOL...I did notice a huge up-rise in random little 'teams' that were completely jacking real life teams. I think it's totally unimaginative and lame. While I do agree Pharmacy was a great team and am proud I started it...and I did have a lot of fun while it lasted, It was very boring of me to just copy an already existent team.

    If I do anything else team-wise in the community it was be completely original and it'll really be MY idea. Anyways, I'm just bored and throwing my 2 cents out there.

  5. #5
    better than you i am a snail's Avatar
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    holy shit irish is alive, good to see you back-ish at least. i hope you do do something else, even if the naming teams after other teams was kind of dumb the s3 pharmacy was a sick team.

  6. #6


    I've been considering it man. I just can never find anyone to sesh with. Everyone I used to play with is awol.

  7. #7
    Fluckit Master Hitmanx123's Avatar
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    so many paragraphs i wanna reply to and say "THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR BEING YOU!"

    personally i come here and give my honest opinion about shit when i can. i dont do it much oftne because, well...i just dont. but on occasion ill give a thumbs up to what i feel is honest work, for a video game. Magic's dedication to this game and wat i experienced on Hoodlum can't really be "remade", so i can see why that kind of "flattery" isnt the most sincere on this forum. As skaters we're suppose to sot of thrive off of originality, even when it stems from something we already know.
    The basis for what i think we all feel to be original and fresh has obviously subsided as the series has taken an incredibly sharp nose-dive into the abyss of the public eye, but we al know, with a little bit of grease and work you can rekindle the same type of crazy stuff we did years ago (fuck i feel old typing that).

    tl;dr I basically think we all are tired of ugly people being ugly.

  8. #8
    Der Mohn Tintenfisch PoppySquidJr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irish View Post
    I've been considering it man. I just can never find anyone to sesh with. Everyone I used to play with is awol.
    If I knew you weren't dead anymore I'd be back on the xbox. I've been on PC lately.
    The artist formerly known as Luft

  9. #9
    Inna Check-Mate State Antwan's Avatar
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    Heh, maybe it's just me but I could swear that the definition of honesty has changed around here.
    Tired of seeing the same old stuff, we seem to post bluntly.
    Doesn't make it a "chill", "drama free" community.
    Counting my time on EA versus fluckit, I saw more love, less progression, honest.
    People always talk, can't ever eliminate that.
    There were more people so maybe you noticed more negative..
    but if you really aim to please yourself, just let it be.
    If were really the chill community everyone claims, we won't dwell on this stuff.
    Old topic and new topics alike.

    I'm always down to skate, just not filming anymore.
    killed just about every angle but it's still fun to mess around.
    Same goes for PGA, NBA and COD.
    Hit a morherfucker up "friends".

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