Well I'm not saying it's that bad, but it's not even in full "HD". Opening up the raw downloaded file (FLV, which you can tell is compressed pretty high with the small little 4-5mb sizes) the resolution is 1152 x 656 and the picture is noticeably grainy, due to the high compression EA uploads the file at, and if your skater is kind of far in the distance that's when you notice some pixelation issues. When you got your cam zoomed up real close things look pretty good, but it's when things are unzoomed is when things become more noticeably 'average' an iffy. Again, I'm comparing the clip to what my TV outputs the game on my system - so full quality. So maybe my expectations were a little too high? If you have a real nice TV, play your replay clip (not uploaded clip) then play the uploaded clip after downloaded on your computer. See what I mean? Not near as good as it is on the TV feel me?

I haven't started converting the files yet, just DLed my maxed out skate.reel an placed 'em in a specific folder - going to go back an do the rest of my saved replays, edit 'em, uploaded 'em, DL 'em and then get to converting and doing a video edit in Sony Vegas. I did however hop on Team Viewer with a buddy of mine who's doing the same thing, installed Xilisoft on his system to convert the files to be compatible with Vegas an converted 'em to MPEG 4's @ 720P 15000 bitrate @ 30fps. That sound good? Didn't notice a real quality degration from raw FLV to the converted mp4 so that's what I'm probably going to do myself unless you guys suggest some other settings or formats. Appreciate your responses guys.

@ Ayreon - See I got a Black Magic Intensity Pro so the quality that thing caps is insane, exactly what you see on your TV is what comes outta that thing - perfect quality.