Nosegrind.. eh.. kingpins are lined up for sure
Nose manny type situation
I think It looks dope when the skater balances on the nose grind, Love that shit.
Haven't seen it often on handrails though shit's so quick in and out people skate the gnarliest shit too.
I never really understood skate terminology because at the least
around where I live people make up their own names for tricks that aren't commonly done by locals.
Grinds, I get.. took me a while to learn a majority of them though
but when you start throwing shit at me like
Disco Flip, Nightmare Flip
It's hard to keep track.. I hardly know what fliptricks have proper names anymore haha
When I first started skating me and my friends would just go to the park and hype the skaters
Just enjoyed watching em never really knew all of the tricks and I still don't
Can't say anyone has got upset at me for calling a trick wrong but Maybe it's just where you live.
Wouldn't be an antwan post without mention of prog
Skateboarding is a progressive sport but we all progress a little differently
and I think the areas that we live in contribute to that a little bit as well
There's a lot of frustration, anger, joy, love and passion in skateboarding
Just Don't take those guys too seriously They are likely still learning, don't care to learn
and or otherwise Just having fun