I'm not sure what's causing my issues in multiplayer.
I'm sure there are a lot of factors, given the new additions..
Likely just haven't found the right class yet.

I will say things do feel much slower..
I played a bit of black ops before I picked up Black ops 2
The Knife and tomahawk, Aiming down sights after sprinting.. all feels much slower..
if you are not anticipating that fire fight before it happens you are absolutely fucked.
I don't even use the tomahawk anymore.. People probably don't care as much about this
but I used it because it was a fast secondary to being mid range with the knife..
If you got accurate enough you could haul the thing long distances and take people out if needed.
Shock charges, Claymores.. new kill streaks, only really bother me when I can't get my own going.
I just don't understand why you would do something like make ghost a perk that you unlock at your final level
and in addition to the long time you have to wait to get it, you must move to use it.
Now how does this factor in? Aiming down the sights is significantly slower after sprinting..
It's a very strange mix of things happening.. One thing suggests you should run and gun.. another, not so much.
Compared to the previous call of duty games Black Ops 2 doesn't suggest that I do not react fast enough but rather
I Run too much. I get 20+ kills a game but Die 11+ Where as I used to throw down 20-3, 21-4, etc.