Best CoD in a while but..
- They should straight up take out the lag compensation. A dude with a 1 bar shouldn't be top of the leaderboard because hes teleporting around the map.

- They also need to nerf the snipers that arn't the Ballista and the DSR, shit is ridiculous with all these kids camping spamming the trigger. It seems like Treyarch really wanted to reward bad players in some aspects (i.e. target finder, bouncing betties etc.)

- Something else they should change is in Kill Confirmed, when you get a kill but someone gets your tags you only get 50pts for the kill plus 25 pts for a team mate confirm when the person who gets your tags and they get 100 pts for the confirm. It seems like they should flip this because I constantly get my dog tags collected by some random kid running around just stealing tags and not killing.

- Maps are all great (except turbine and aftermath) and the guns are fairly balanced acide from the snipers and the wonky shotguns ( I've been literally next to someone, touching them, fired and didn't even get a hitmarker, but sometimes you can get a 1 shot kill from a mile away) and knifing (same thing, be right next to someone, and your knife just does nothing, be 10 feet away and u lunge and kill them)

Excited to see what maps are coming out with DLC, apperently with the recent Leak (not confirmed for legit tho) theres a new gun coming out aswell and one of the maps, "Grind" looks like a skatepark )

Like I said, awesome game, but a lot needs to be tweaked a lot still. But it is early in its life cycle so hopefully Treyarch can smooth out the edges.