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Thread: INDECENT PROPOSAL the ultimate question

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  1. #1


    I'm raising my hand. If you think I suck and film like dog doo, then I understand.

  2. #2


    i figure what i'll do, most people film just fine but some people not so much. i'll check out what clips people want in and if it just doesn't come together for whatever reason, we can re-do it on live and i'll "film" it. except people on PS3, then i'll offer some CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM on filming or whatever. i'm talking extreme cases of bad filmsmanship. people's style is people's style and i'm not gonna mess with what they do, i'm talking real bad.

    what i forgot to include:
    -lines are totally fine, just try to keep them 4 tricks max and the pacing pretty quick so it doesn't seem like this big empty void right in the middle, you know? keep the video flowing as a whole.
    -if anybody noseblunts a picnic table, to nollie hardflip, to manual, to grind, to another nollie hardflip, i'll call the police. realistic is a really open ended term and i respect, appreciate, and dig that. there's a lot to be done in the realm of realistic, so just be "reasonable".
    -a certain number of clips sounds alright but i'm thinking more of "___ seconds worth" so that it's not just boom boom boom on to the next guy. so you can get a feel for things.
    -random shots are fine too and don't count towards your "total" so to speak. give it some personality. if you want to include a quick weird thing that happened, or fall, or whatever, that's awesome.

  3. #3


    oh yeah some more. i'm trying to think of what some questions might be before they're asked.

    slow motion is fine but don't overuse it, you dig? use it when it's either super badass, or one of those things you just wouldn't be able to see in regular speed.

    double angles are also fine.

    music suggestions are welcome but i'm ultimately gonna use what i think works best for the edit vibe.

    watermarks turned OFF plz. remember that one. write yourself a note. if you forget, tough tits. i'm not gonna use it if it has a watermark. re-do that mess if necessary.

    i'll go to your reel to download it if i have to, but i'd prefer not to because man what a pain in the butthole. if you're gonna send them, PM me and i'll give you my email. that will probably amount to everybody having it, but i don't want to post it up here for some venezualen identity thief.

    leave me time before and after the trick for editing purposes.
    Last edited by greenlake; 04-09-2009 at 08:49 AM. Reason: none of your business

  4. #4
    Resident Fruitbooter Roccityroller's Avatar
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    Jan 2009


    oh man am i soo fluckin in. I'm filming ish tonight
    Hoodlum Threat
    Live Stream

  5. #5
    Breaker of Fluckit mamba12's Avatar
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    Mar 2009


    i could probably get a couple clips for ya. anything in particular you want? straight bangers? off the chart? super tech? movables?
    Threat YouTube Channel

    Quote Originally Posted by ps3.old-skooler-34
    I watched all the videos and they were ok. I don't have a video, but I can do double back flips to blunt slide AND 360 lazer flip out.. I asked my dad and he agrees, I'm the best on here.

  6. #6
    administrator thesignguy's Avatar
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    St. Louis


    im in, I'll throw something down for the cause
    Helen Adams Keller

  7. #7
    Don't Worry, Be Happy seamonkeymadnss's Avatar
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    Jan 2009


    Awwwww. I would've been in but then you hit me with the "no watermark" fist. And my Xbox is broken. Fuckin A.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post
    That was like getting a handjob in a blender . . . blood everywhere, people are crying, granny's in the corner clucking like a chicken, but you two just keep hitting the puree button.

  8. #8
    Stopped Pushing Mongo Ninety4's Avatar
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    Shit dude i wanna be in this

  9. #9
    Awful Awfuls! Corrine's Avatar
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    I'll have a slice of this, when are clips due?

  10. #10


    the acceptable tricks are whatever the hell you want as long as the result wouldn't make anyone have to hold their head in their hands (in the bad way). i'm gonna pull a "final say" on what goes in but i'm not gonna be a dick about it. the greater good! clips do not in any way have to appeal to my specific tastes so don't sweat that.

    i figure i could have it edited and all that and uploaded like, two fridays from now? not next, but the one after. is that shooting for the moon and rushing it or too slow a pace or what? what do you guys think? i figure it wouldn't be too hard for people to get a couple clips and upload them, and a lot of people already have unused stuff on their reels.

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