Quote Originally Posted by Boris Magee View Post
bioshock 1 was the best game i have ever played. period.

i didnt watch a single trailer of infinite, and i am so happy i didnt. having this game completely spoiler free is something i will remember for a long time. another reason to keep posts spoiler free - it just makes every game so much better of an experience.
i dont think its better than bioshock 1, but it is the best non-sequel / first game in series i have ever played. might even be just as good - i'll see if i'm still interested in the game after 10+ playthroughs like i was in bioshock 1.
believe the hype is a good statement.

i got it tuesday morning, beat it friday morning (having to dodge university commitments). then on saturday i played it for 14 hours (my second playthrough in one sitting, as well as starting the first half of my third). that pretty much says it all.
You didn't miss much, the trailers hardly showed anything

I got it on tuesday and was going to play it later but thought to myself "fuck it"
played it for 12 hours straight, 10pm-10am. Blew my mind.
I didn't like how you could only carry two weapons and you could not stock up on health like in the previous ones