Quote Originally Posted by thesignguy View Post
nice man, I have a penny deck I think they are called. Its a remake much like that
knew you were older but not that old you old fuck

wasnt my first board but close to it (second or third)

my first real board
We "Elder Statesmen" have to stick together. Can't let these young punks try and run rough shod without respecting history! And I am definitely an old fuck.
I rode other peoples boards until my friend got a new complete for his birthday. So, he sold me his Roskopp 1 for $20 which became my first "Pro" model board.
It was kitted out like the Max Headroom deck with lapers, copers, nose, tail, and ribs as well. >_<! It had Gullwing trucks and OJ wheels. Broke the Gullwing
trucks inside a month so I bought Trackers and broke them inside two months. Bought Indy's and have never looked back. When I finally took all the crap off
of it except the rails the world opened up in my skating. Too bad I snapped the deck doing a Boneless over a little red wagon. Went to the local skate/surf shop
back then and bought my first Powell-Peralta deck... Also, love the D.R.I. sticker on the deck above. Skateboarding also introduced me to my love of Punk music.