Well there will be some time yet until Volume 11 goes down.
It doesn't hurt to brainstorm though. Anyone on board should let me know.
I'm not one to restrict, you've seen how I play haha
Do whatever you want.
Deadlines will be decided when I think we have enough interest to actually start.
This is just a heads up though
if we're lacking footage in any of the three videos I'm planning here I'll likely have the most footage.
I had a 7 minute part in BPSV5.
I'll take whatever you guys want to send but again
won't be accepting anything other than clips you film for the trailer until we set the first deadline.
If anyone wants a team trailer, team logo, announcement type video before it starts it would be a good time to start thinking on that too
You'll have to design it yourself but I am more than happy to throw that stuff in.