Quote Originally Posted by EmmitBrown View Post
well ill agree that thats your opinion.

and ill also assume that you haven't listened to most of his stuff.

ive honestly heard Jay-z get sicker with lyrics than anyone, with the exception of Em (but they're different lyrical styles...Em has ridiculous rhyme scheme, which i happen to be in favor of) Jay-z is actually Jesus (if he existed) on a microphone...

but i imagine we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Big L was alright, but he was all punchlines and it took a while for him to write stuff.

Hova (there's a reason hes called that) doesn't even write stuff anymore and composes incredible verses in his head in like an hour that are FAR deeper and more lyrical than the best shit most other rappers have ever written.

my opinion.

ps. your sig is enormous.

Lol I agree L was all punchlines, Sick ass punchlines but all punch lines none the less. L in his prime would rip Jay apart. But I dont think it matters how long it takes to write a couple of verses its the content of said verses. In my opinion Jay doesnt have alot of lyrical content apart from crack rhymes.

I know that shit is huge it even annoys me.