A hell of lot better than last years imo. Besides all of the godawful jokes/and that ubisoft host chick(celebrity host never work for E3 imo) it was awesome. Microsoft was lackluster. Capybara games got their small spot but their game is Below is on coming to PC(same with INSIDE!!) along with what already is so an Xbox One is officialy off my list. Sony did an amazing job. From with Bloodborne, Drive club(dont really play racing games but driving across all of the U.S.A!!!!), Grim Fandango remake, No Mans Sky, the order, destiny, the division GTA V(*also coming to PC). just so many games. Ubisoft didnt really suprise me. Expected everything there, but its stuff I want. Not really and AC fan anymore so I didnt give that any attention.l but Tomb raider suprised me. EA had Hardline which looks ok. Mirrors Edge reboot though. Cant wait. And all this stuff(cant remember which conference they were debuted by): Far Cry 4, the witcher 3, Evolve, yadda yadda yadda.
Missed nintendo. Hearing/reading great things though.