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Thread: The Ferguson MO situation

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  1. #1
    Fluckit Master EmmitBrown's Avatar
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    Too many assumptions and presumptions of motives in here.

  2. #2
    administrator thesignguy's Avatar
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    The protesters only demands are that the officer be charged with murder. I can't get behind that cause unless we have more facts.
    If they were protesting the lack of competence in the local department and how this entire thing has been handled then yes I'd join them.
    There are now reports that the officer has a broken eye socket and that there are 12 black witnesses to back up the officers explanation (which we have yet to hear)
    IF this is all true (and only if) then obviously all non lethal actions were taken. But until we hear actual facts I will focus my anger towards the looters and the way the government has handled this whole thing.
    Helen Adams Keller

  3. #3
    Mom's Little Belieber! <3 the Biebs!
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    Charging an officer with murder and convicting him are two different things. Unfortunately though if he is charged and then is found innocent the public at large won't believe the verdict and we may see another Inglewood Riots situation. It's better to not charge him till we have enough facts to charge him properly......but good luck explaining that to peoples feelings.

  4. #4
    administrator thesignguy's Avatar
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    Are you saying just charge him? Because it's not the same as a conviction?
    Helen Adams Keller

  5. #5
    Mom's Little Belieber! <3 the Biebs!
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    It's better to not charge him till we have enough facts to charge him properly......

  6. #6
    Blazing a Trail bohemian's Avatar
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    dudes.. you really need to open you eyes a bit more.. the number of episodes of cops going overboard with power and violence is growing every day. even tho you choose not to accept the evidence presented in this case you cannot deny the fact that your police force has taken a turn for the worse.

  7. #7
    Mom's Little Belieber! <3 the Biebs!
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    Quote Originally Posted by bohemian View Post
    dudes.. you really need to open you eyes a bit more.. the number of episodes of cops going overboard with power and violence is growing every day. even tho you choose not to accept the evidence presented in this case you cannot deny the fact that your police force has taken a turn for the worse.
    I'm waiting for all the evidence to come in before I make a decision one way or the other. Jumping to early conclusions and reacting emotionally isn't going to solve any real issues.

    You second point is fair. Since 9-11 Americans have slowly been trading freedom for security and we're now starting to see the real price of giving the Government/police more and more power. Police are overstepping again and again. Just last month they killed an unarmed man ON THE SPOT for selling black market cigarettes in New York.

  8. #8
    administrator thesignguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bohemian View Post
    dudes.. you really need to open you eyes a bit more.. the number of episodes of cops going overboard with power and violence is growing every day. even tho you choose not to accept the evidence presented in this case you cannot deny the fact that your police force has taken a turn for the worse.
    There are no statistics (reliable) that back up your claim of a rise in incidents % per population.
    Is there a heavy militarized police force here? Yes
    Is it seen? rarely ever (this is not Ireland of the 80's or Israel everyday with checkpoints)
    Is there a better way than to deal with this with bruit force? Oh I'm sure

    The ones making trouble causing this police line to form every night are opportunists. The ones sitting atop these armored vehicles are our family, our friends. Do they make bad decisions at times? Of course don't we all?
    Until the inner cities are safer then this will continue. I already laid out my view of why this is this way.

    No offense (I respect you and your views as well) but your claim of "It getting worse" is just another example of "lock your doors because you will get robbed more TODAY" "Don't let your kids play down the street out of sight because there are more cases of rape and kidnappings TODAY" None of which is backed by facts
    Helen Adams Keller

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