Quote Originally Posted by EmmitBrown View Post
^^ @antwan re: old online consoles

i used to play online with my snes. the modem was called xband and it was available for genesis also. it was a thru-cartridge, like the game genie. you plug your phoneline into the side of the xband and a game in the top.

Haha that's wild man.
I used to get into quite a bit of single player games.
Anything competitive I would find friends to play with.
Likely would've shelled more time with other games if I knew that stuff at the time.
Have you browsed the systems on Amazon?
The pricing is so odd right now, the consoles regardless of how old are going for 20$ aswell.
Some of the games are as high as 100$ though!
I would love physical copies of everything when I venture back down memory lane.
Hear things about porting games to empty cartridiges and CDs though and wonder if that's more cost effective. Emulator ROMs or something?