Quote Originally Posted by HCH Media View Post
dude when standards go down the drain i lose all intention to make videos im sitting on a mountain (5profiles) of footy and alot of them are NBD tricks . but when people think stuff like this or a fancy edit is worth more than some one who spend hours , days and months to get a trick done and get like 100 views and 2 comments . while the one with boring footy but popular trendy music that was used a hundred times b4 and the whole thing got hold togeter by a fancy collor edit . and people get allmost 1k views on that . makes me just want to stop making videos because its pointles showing the beauty of colors to a blind man over and over . i know i sound like a ass lots of times but hey this is my point when i say this video dont deservs 19k when people who actualy got skills get 50 views for there videos and most of them are clicked by me .. .. my point ..... and i think im the good guy by telling when i dont like something because ... most of the bitches straight ignore other people but are not shy enough to dislike it , and dont even have enough balls to say what they dont like ..

by the way your last video is a really good example for filming and edeting is more important than anything elses . imo
ps i still gave your video a like and fav. because something is allways better than doing nuthing and i respect that .
not saying this video is the greatest of all time at all lol but i still enjoy it and i especially think its a really good video for the time it came out. the reason this kind of music is trendy in the skate community is because of videos like this, as i said this guy was a trend setter. im just paying respect where its due. yes, some really good people dont get the recognition they deserve but it also goes both ways. not all of the highly known videos have boring clips, in fact a lot of them are fucking amazing which is why they are so well known.

as for what you said about my video, are you trying to say that the filming and editing took precedence over the tricks? i worked on that part for much more than a year, worked my ass off for most of the tricks in that video. your opinion tho but trust me when i say this most of those tricks were fuckin hard to do