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Thread: Get Stoked's Political Blog; Republican Opinions.

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  1. #1
    Fluckit Master EmmitBrown's Avatar
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    no ace, i don't think if someone owns 9 homes that they should have to pony up more money....

    i don't know how old you are but, if you and your friends buy a case of beer or two, do you decide how much to chip in by what everyone makes? no, that's ludicrous.....

    it's not their fault poor people can't pull their own weight....

    maybe if government programs rewarded saving instead of seeing it as an excuse to decrease that programs budget, we wouldn't need as much of the rich peoples money......think about that.....

  2. #2


    you are a fucking idiot if you vote McCain

    i really cant see how people can be undecided!
    and i agree with Stoked that Sarah Palin is a complete tool for pathetic women who only want to see a woman in power with no thought on how they will effect the country

    last year my school did this thing (im not 18+ btw) where we were given a list of numbers
    each number stood for a president hopeful but we were not told who that number represented
    beforehand all the stupid girls of course wanted hillary
    we were given the details of what each president hopeful would plan to do and all that and that
    NOONE in the class in the end picked hillarys number...
    90 percent obama and the rest some republican
    and again after seeing the results all the girls still said they would have voted hillary either way
    its fucking idiots that have voted stupidly and have caused this country to become what it has become

    so im pro obama
    and i swear if this country chooses mccain...
    im done with this country

    but if obama doesnt live up to what hes saying fuck him too
    we cant stand for that shit anymore

  3. #3


    "just after world war 2.....
    they say that they were the greatest generation
    and i'm not so sure...

    i'm not so sure!?

    i think potentially this be the greatest generation right here!

    cause right now this fuckin' government took this country to war for a lie to spare this empire and millions of you across this country and said no!
    stood up and said no!

    and with the whole world watching!
    this generation here! of this country!
    we have to step up!
    we have to step up!
    we have taken the concert stage!
    and the crowd that enters the streets!
    and we won't let these fascists rule us any longer!
    this generation!

    Are you standing in line?
    Are you believing the lie?
    You bow down to the flag?
    You have a bullet in your fucking head!"

  4. #4
    Fluckit Master EmmitBrown's Avatar
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    or it's because i agree more with mccain's platform.....

    i'm glad idealistic children like you can't vote yet.....i hope you learn some things about life before you turn 18...get some perspective

    all good, the truth is democrats hand you a bunch of garbage ass fairy tales and they sound all sugary sweet but by the time they start screwing the country over and the side effects are taking place, someone else is in office so it gets blamed on them.....

    this country has short term memory and loves hearing silly stories about saving trees and screwin over people wealthier than themselves.....

  5. #5
    Awful Awfuls! Corrine's Avatar
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    I'm concerned that Sarah Palin believes that global warming is not man made, her stance on abortion is equally worrying, if I was raped I'd have to give birth to my rapist's child according to her.

  6. #6
    Get Stoked


    Quote Originally Posted by Corrine View Post
    I'm concerned that Sarah Palin believes that global warming is not man made, her stance on abortion is equally worrying, if I was raped I'd have to give birth to my rapist's child according to her.
    Two very good points.

    I think that part of what we see is global warming is just nature taking it's course, but there's no doubt we're helping speed the process along heavily. America is a very big producer of pollution, if we did our part, we would show others how to live healthier and also take a massive chunk of pollution away.

    As for abortion, you make a great point. Palin also wants to enforce abstinence in public schools, but she doesn't want to have sex education. That worked out well for her right? Her 17 year old is pregnant...

  7. #7


    ok so tryin to keep this a little civilized i guess...

    tell me what about mccains platform makes you prefer his than anyone elses??

    and seriously the age comment
    Last edited by KushKrashBOOM; 09-05-2008 at 01:01 PM.

  8. #8
    Get Stoked


    Yeah, in the blog I asked to keep it respectful and if you disagreed to state what you agree with from McCain/Palin.

    You realize Emmit that McCain and Palin don't make taxes even across the board, they lower them for people with more money and raise them for people with less. Does that make sense? It makes none... Rich get richer, poor get poorer. The only people that are getting tax cuts from McCain and Palin are people who make over 200,000 a year... I make like 30,000 a year at the most, but for some reason I have to pay more taxes and can't afford health insurance... What's up with that?

    All these things you hear McCain and Palin say about Democrats wanting to not drill at all and to jump straight out of the war is a LIE. We want to drill, but we just don't want to rely fully on drilling. We can invest in wind energy and solar energy, alternative fuels, etc... while drilling what we need until we're more advanced in what alternatives we have.

    Emmit, do you agree with what George W. Bush jr. has done over the past 8 years? If you do, then there's probably no hope it getting you to realize there is a real problem. If you don't like George, then I have no clue why you are voting for McCain. It's the same party, same rules... McCain voted WITH George W. Bush jr. on 90% of the issues they voted on.

    I just don't understand how people can side with liers who only care about themselves...

    I don't want lobbyists running my country, if McCain/Palin gets into office this time around, I will be leaving the country.

  9. #9
    Get Stoked


    Quote Originally Posted by EmmitBrown View Post
    or it's because i agree more with mccain's platform.....

    i'm glad idealistic children like you can't vote yet.....i hope you learn some things about life before you turn 18...get some perspective

    all good, the truth is democrats hand you a bunch of garbage ass fairy tales and they sound all sugary sweet but by the time they start screwing the country over and the side effects are taking place, someone else is in office so it gets blamed on them.....

    this country has short term memory and loves hearing silly stories about saving trees and screwin over people wealthier than themselves.....
    Sorry for the triple post, but i'm not spamming, haha.

    Anyways, if we look at our country's state before Bush's presidency, when Clinton was in office, we see that we were not in debt, crime was down, there were a ton more jobs than current, and the economy was in great shape. Clinton is and was a democrat...

    Now, look at what Bush has done to what Clinton had built... Bush, living to the stereotypical neo-republican guidelines. Now it has ruined our economy, lost al lot of our jobs, lost al lot of our nurses and teachers, crime is much higher, and we're borrowing money from CHINA! We're billions and billions and billions of dollars in debt. We spend 10 billion dollars a MONTH on the war in iraq, that's money we don't have to be rebuilding a country that's not our own.

    Do you not see the problem? I'm not saying Democrats are perfect, but they are the obvious choice during this election. We need to get back on our feet!

  10. #10


    yea good points stoked
    still... if mccain wins im leaving the country when im done with school...
    lol i plan to leave anyway but mccains election will only influence me more so

  11. #11
    Fluckit Master EmmitBrown's Avatar
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    First of all Kush, it's not McCain or "anyone else's", it's Obama....there is no one else to vote for.....

    but i like that McCain is in favor of us running our own social security accounts, he supports regulations to protect our privacy on and off-line, he supports immigration reform, he also supports tax credits to small businesses to offset insurance costs.....

    and stoked:
    "You realize Emmit that McCain and Palin don't make taxes even across the board, they lower them for people with more money and raise them for people with less. Does that make sense?" yes, that's what i've been saying....the rich already pay a sum that is far more than does this not make sense....? why should they have to contribute more to the kitty?

    also, comparing someone to bush is awful.....

    i don't love mccain, i just agree with more of his platform than obama's....a lot more.....

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