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Thread: Get Stoked's Political Blog; Republican Opinions.

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  1. #1
    Get Stoked


    You know, there's no way to tell if the president will actually be able to put what they say they will do, through. I just know that the democrats have almost always stuck to their word.

    I do know that the republicans are big on the rich and the people who benefit them and at this current time, we need to take care of ourselves, not the rich folks wallets.

  2. #2
    Awful Awfuls! Corrine's Avatar
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    Politicians regardless of their political stand point, will say anything to get elected. One of the cornerstones of Tony Blair's election promises was 'Education, education, education' CODSWALLOP (pardon my language) English schools are pretty much fecked, with teachers tied up by needless beauracracy which naturally leads to a poorer standard of teaching.

    Though all of Britain's ills can be traced back to Thatcher who privatised national industries, created a boom or bust economy and generally fecked the country up. but whats this got to do with the US I hear you ask?

    Right wing politics is right wing politics regardless of whether it's Republican or Tory.

    I'll have no truck with a government that keeps the poor down whilst increasing the wealth of the elite.

  3. #3
    Fluckit Master EmmitBrown's Avatar
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    "we need to take care of ourselves"

    are we not all americans?

    do you consider yourself more important than the rich?
    then why should we get preferential treatment?

    the middle and lower class don't need to be coddled, all classes need to be treated equally.....this is america....not the economic special olympics

  4. #4
    Get Stoked


    Quote Originally Posted by EmmitBrown View Post
    "we need to take care of ourselves"

    are we not all americans?

    do you consider yourself more important than the rich?
    then why should we get preferential treatment?

    the middle and lower class don't need to be coddled, all classes need to be treated equally.....this is america....not the economic special olympics
    You can say the same thing to the republican's ways of benefiting the rich.

    Are they better than the poor? No. Are we more important because we're poor? Somewhat... we can't afford health care to get what possibly could be cancer checked out, to help get our kids illnesses treated. I can barely afford college and am honestly having to think about quitting so I can pay mortgage and car insurance.

    Obviously the poor are suffering, our communities are suffering, and there's no reason we shouldn't get some tax cuts based on our income. I mean, it is the governments choice to pay us less and tax us more at work. We don't get to choose what our taxes go towards either... My money is funding a war I don't agree with.

  5. #5
    Fluckit Master EmmitBrown's Avatar
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    "You can say the same thing to the republican's ways of benefiting the rich."

    no you can't and that's what i'm telling you......they just want the rich to be treated more fairly......again i ask, only in different terms, "if entrance into the skatepark is $15 (taxes), why should the rich have to pay an exorbitant amount more?"
    taxes need restructuring, percentages add up quickly when you have more's not fair, they are humans competing in the same race as us, stop trying to hold their shirts and tie their laces together......they're ahead and doing that isn't going to change that......

    it's like in gran turismo when you turn on the option to boost the player's car that's losing......kind of unsporting, eh? not cricket in my book.....

    ps. you won't get to choose where your money goes if you vote obama case you weren't aware....

  6. #6
    Get Stoked


    That's a completely different situation.

    You're not answering my question though... why do the poor have to pay more taxes while the rich oil companies and lobbists get tax breaks for their own personal benefit?

  7. #7
    Fluckit Master EmmitBrown's Avatar
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    i am answering your question and you aren't understanding me.....

    they don't.......the dollar amount that you pay is less than the dollar amount most wealthy people pay......why do you (and myself included) get a free ride on their dime?

    i'm not saying increase OUR taxes....i'm just saying that breaks for them are well in order and's only're the one asking to be treated special....

  8. #8
    Get Stoked


    Quote Originally Posted by EmmitBrown View Post
    ps. you won't get to choose where your money goes if you vote obama case you weren't aware....
    Btw, I know this, but I do know that my money will be going towards things I agree with and if there's an absolute outcry from the American people to not do something, like invade a country for no reason at all, then he will listen to us because he's there for us, not lobbyists and oil companies.

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